How does Botox® works
Many facial wrinkles occur when we make repeated facial expressions. Botox® relaxes tiny facial muscles that cause expression lines, leaving the overlying skin smooth and unwrinkled. Once the muscle is relaxed, you cannot contract it and continue to make the undesirable facial expression. Thus the lines gradually smooth out from disuse and new creases are prevented from forming.
Botox® works on the specific areas treated. Other muscles like those used to raise the eyebrows aren't affected so a natural expression is maintained. It won't "freeze" your facial expression, it merely softens them and works where you want it to.
What to expect from the treatment
Your doctor will determine exactly where to use Botox® to achieve the best results. No anesthetic is required, although your doctor may use ice before injecting. Treatment takes around 10 minutes. A tiny amount of Botox® is placed in selected facial muscles via tiny injections using a very fine needle. Discomfort is minimal and brief - most patients describe it as an ant bite sting for a few seconds.
Most people resume normal activities immediately. After injection, it takes 2-3 days for Botox® to begin taking effect and around 7 days to see the full effect.
Botox® lasts for up to four months, depending on the individual. You can decide to repeat the procedure as you wish. The results will wear off gradually and expression lines slowly return. To maintain the effect you will require repeat injections 2-3 times a year. Studies show that with repeat Botox® treatment, the effect can last longer so you may require less frequent treatment in the future to maintain the result you have come to like.
In the amounts used for wrinkle therapy, the most common side effects are temporary and localized to the area of injection. These include soreness or mild bruising, which can be easily covered with makeup, headache and less commonly, you may develop a heavy eyelid lasting 1-4 weeks which your doctor may be able to treat. There have been no permanent side effects of Botox® reported.
Botox® is not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding or for patients with a neuromuscular disease.
Is Botox® a common cosmetic procedure?
Botox® was the number one cosmetic procedure in 2001 according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. In the United States 1.6 million Botox® procedures were recorded in 2001, making it the most popular option amongst all cosmetic procedures.
Is it suitable for men?
Botox® is equally effective on men and women. Over 220,000 Botox® procedures were performed on men in the United States in 2001, making it the leading cosmetic treatment for men. Because it is effective for stress (frown) lines, it is popular with many businessmen to leave them looking more refreshed and approachable.
Is Botox® expensive?
When considering your facial enhancement options, Botox® is quite affordable. Many people are surprised at the relative cost compared to other appearance related investments such as facials, hair coloring and wrinkle creams. As one patient reported:
"Botox® is surprisingly affordable - around the same as three facials or a few visits to the hair colorists".
Will my lines look worse if I choose not to continue treatments?
No. Your lines will gradually revert to their pre-treatment appearance. This may take 6 to 12 months.
Can Botox® be combined with other procedures?
Botox® is oftened used in combination with collagen or laser resurfacing. In fact, studies have shown CO2 laser resurfacing alone gives less improvement than when performed with Botox®
Why is Botox® unique?
The brand Botox® (Botulinum toxin type A) should not be confused with other products containing botulinum toxin. Botox® was the first product of its type approved by the US FDA I 1989, and has the longest period of registered clinical experience in the world. In cosmetic use, Botox® has been widely tested and used safely for more than 10 years and is the only botulinum toxin in the world approved for cosmetic use.
Botox® contains the lowest level of protein. A higher level of protein is associated with a higher level of antibody formation in laboratory studies. Other brands of botulinum toxin contain between 2.5 to 10 times the amount of protein found in Botox®.
In another medical condition treated with Botox® around the eyes, other products containing botulinum toxin are shown to have a higher incidence of side effects such as ptosis (heavy eyelids). So to avoid complications and ensure a safe and effective treatment, as for Botox® by name.