What is Cellulite?
What are the causes of the orange-peel skin?
A rugged appearance of the skin like oranges skin is known as cellulite, a clumping together of enlarged fat cells in the subcutaneous fat layer just under the skin, which appears most often in women. These clumps of fat cells stretch the cell connecting fibers and impair circulation to and from active and inactive cells. Sluggish circulation of the blood prevents the removal of built up toxins and that causes connective tissue become more inflexible, giving skin the more orange-peel appearance, regardless of weather you exercise regularly or your food intake is strictly controlled.
Cellulite, a Huge Problem for Women
Regardless of shape, size or age, many women have problems with cellulite. The appearance of an unattractive dimpled orange-peel skin on or around the outer thighs, buttocks, hip, abdomen and other body areas tend to worsen over time due to poor nutrition and lack of exercise in todays busy lifestyle. The formation of cellulite is closely linked to the effects of hormones in the body, especially the female sex hormones. When levels of hormones change dramaticallysuch as at puberty, during pregnancy and menopausethe probability of cellulite even increases. Many women suffering from cellulite try to get it of it by using cellulite creams for massage into problem areas, starving yourself, and taking diet pillsa series of traditional, yet ultimately ineffective efforts for cellulite reduction.
With its advanced technology, Endermologie can possibly make your cellu-less dream comes true.
A Personal Time Machine for Your Facial Skin and Body
In addition to greater health and enhanced beauty, Endermologie makes it possible to prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Over the years, circulating blood has deteriorated in quality which goes unnoticed, and that the skin tends to lose its elasticity. These problems can be tackle by Endermologie.
Endermologie actively helps improve blood and lymphatic circulation, and restore collagen and elastin to the surface of the skin. The appearance of cellulite and wrinkles will be less noticeable and skin becomes more even-toned. Apparently, Endermologie not only reduces fine lines and wrinkles, but also is a holistic approach in improving the health and vitality of the body and mind.
Evolution of the Safe and Effective Technique
Endermologie is an effective, noninvasive procedure using an excellent Cellu M6 Keymodule for cellulite and fat reduction. With its three-dimensional rolling action, Cellu M6 Keymodule produces a deep, stimulating massage that increases blood flow to the body zones where help is needed. Toxins and abnormal water buildup are expelled, and tissues in the affected areas get more access to essential nutrients.
Apart from helping reduce cellulite and annihilate excess fat, Endermologie is a non-surgical, non-medical technique, which provides you a sense of comfort and relaxation during and after receiving the treatment.
Endermologie, therefore, is the latest breakthrough in fat and cellulite reduction.
How is Endermologie performed?
Each Endermologie session will be last an average of fifty minutes, taking place twice per week. When receiving treatments you will wear Endermowear which gives a more comfortable fit. Photographs will be taken before and after the treatment to provide an accurate results and to ensure you gain maximum benefit. Some clients can reduce two sizes of wardrobes and report a feeling of relaxation.