Doctor Younger is a skin and beauty clinic offering skin care and body care services, which utilizes modern technologies internationally recognized for their efficiency and safety standard from both the USA and Europe. Originally established in 1995 by Dr Wilai Thanasarnaksorn, the clinic provides you with the services from professionally trained beauty staff and laser treatment experts in warm and relaxed atmosphere.
Apart from its full range of services with the latest innovations in skin and body technology, Doctor Younger is composed of experienced Thai medical doctors and physical therapists who offer you professional hands and integrated approaches to total wellness, the clinics new service method offered for holistic health and beauty care.
Doctor Younger has extensive experience and expertise in laser facial treatment, a safe and highly effective process of smoothing lines and wrinkles that will start to appear among women in their 20s.
Micro-Aging, a Silent Sign of Aging
A woman entering her twenties is full of youthful energy and enthusiasm but unaware that premature aging of the skin also occurs. With age, collagen levels created by fibroblast cells located in the dermis drop off due to a decrease in production. The breakdown of healthy collagen, the decline in collagen production, and the exposure to free radicals from UV light, pollution, and outside pressure lead to the development of unwanted wrinkles, large pores, and the appearance of aging skin. While these changes usually begin in the 20s, the signs of intrinsic Micro-aging are typically not visible for decades. Thats why many young people are often unaware that skin and body aging is immensely accelerated.
Perfect Face at Doctor Younger
We provide the innovation programs to serve you the most beautiful as you expect for. Our programs are the completed program that can treat every skin and body problem from hair, face, to body, and the perfect body to respond to all of the womens desire.
Stimulate new collagen production for a smoother, brighter skin
Doctor Younger has arranged medical innovations utilizing different types of laser pulses to gently stimulate collagen growth, allowing the natural regeneration of collagen at the cellular level. Our treatment programs help you prevent and reduce wrinkles and fine lines, restoring fullness and youthful contours to your face. Different types of lasers are as follows: